LodgeGate Hostel
Manage reservations easily and efficiently
With our hostel reservation system, you can manage beds and dormitories easily and efficiently. Reservations through various sales channels are entered automatically, so you no longer have to enter them manually. This saves time and prevents errors, so you always have an up-to-date overview of your availability. LodgeGate also offers the unique combination of hotel rooms, dormitories and beds, which can be offered independently as a room or single beds.
Integration of turnovers from other departments
Whether it's revenue from the bar, activities, or additional services, everything is effortlessly integrated into your reservation system. All data is transferred automatically, giving you a complete overview of your revenues. Invoicing is done quickly and easily, saving time and reducing administrative burdens.
Complete reporting and dashboard
Our system provides extensive reporting capabilities so you always have insight into your hostel's occupancy, revenue and other key metrics. The intuitive dashboard gives you real-time data and allows you to respond quickly to changes in supply and demand, ensuring that you are always performing at your best.
Payment Links and Revenue Management
With integrated payment links, guests can easily and securely pay for their stay. The Revenue Management tool allows you to dynamically adjust bed and dormitory prices based on demand and occupancy. This allows you to maximize your revenue even with fluctuating demand.
Own website with booking module
With its own website and integrated booking module, guests can book directly with your hostel, without going through external platforms. This gives you more control over your bookings and allows you to bring in more direct bookings, which both improves the guest experience and increases your profitability.