LodgeGate Concierge
Make every overnight stay memorable with LodgeGate Concierge
A stay in a hotel, campground or bungalow park is about more than just a place to sleep. It's the personal attention and direct contact that make your guests' experience truly unique. LodgeGate Concierge is the communication platform between you and your guests. It's the key to a warmer, exclusive guest relationship and offers a fully integrated keyless entry feature, saving you time, cost and staff effort.
Build strong connections with your guests
Our digital communication platform allows you to reconnect with your guests. Share your unique story, provide information about the stay, facilities, surroundings, special promotions, and activities. LodgeGate Concierge makes sure you're always nearby, so your guests feel heard and welcome - even before arrival.
Mobile access, no more physical keys
If desired, the system can be expanded to include "Access without a physical key": keyless entry allows guests to easily check in and out with their smartphones. Without hassle and without the need to download an app. Automated key issuance and intake make the process quick and seamless - a convenience for both guest and team.
A streamlined, seamless user experience
Hotels, campgrounds and bungalow parks often use multiple software programs for orders, reservations and guest inquiries. With LodgeGate Concierge, you centralize all these channels and offer your guests a consistent and clear user experience. Switching software partners? No problem, this is easily customized within our platform.
Strengthen your brand
LodgeGate Concierge is designed entirely in your corporate identity. Colors, fonts, languages and tone of voice: everything is customizable. This puts your brand at the center of the customer journey and not an intermediary. The result? Direct contact, increased sales and more direct bookings.